Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Barcelona! Day 1

Today was our first full day in Barcelona!

We flew in yesterday evening, boarded a bus that fought through the ridiculous traffic and arrived in our youth hostel to find that we were staying with a crabby British family (with whom I am now sitting so shush don't tell) Anyhow, then we went to find some dinner and wound up at a Taperia around the corner. This was my first time eating tapa style (not counting eating off my family's plates) and I think I really like it. We tried Squid (picture), cuttlefish (picture) and I had my own beer (yes, it's legal).

After dinner Joern and I went to a shopping mall that I believe was an old bullfighting ring. What a shame that they would replace something so exciting with something like a mall.

This morning I got everyone up a bit too early for their relaxed, non-hard-core tourism liking, but, nonetheless we saw much more than had planned to. We started out heading to La Plaça de Catalunya which basically the center of Barcelona. From there we navigated through the maze of streets to find the Barcelona Cathedral (not to be confused with La Sagrada Famia, the big one) where we made some goose friends and took a bunch of pictures. After the cathedral we made our way around the gothic quarter to find to an old castle thing (Plaça del Ray) to take more pictures. Joern and I tried to fit our hands in the hand thing in the wall. My hand didn't fit but his did so he must be the chosen one or something.

Next, me navigated through La Rambla (a big tourist street full of shops) to find the Mercat St Josep La Boqueria which is a ginourmous fruit, fish, meat market. There, I tried my first dragon fruit (I don't care if it's Spanish or not) and bought a mango so that I could take a picture by one of the Mango store fronts (how couldn't I). After leaving the market we went to a house that was built by the same person who biuilt La Sagrada Familia (Gaudi) and then made our way to lunch where I had a very hearty double chorizo cheese burger (sorry the picture's bad, I didn't remember to take a picture until I was almost done XD).

After lunch we made our way to the beach where we saw a big Christopher Columbus momument, an interesting statue in the water, lots (and lots) of yachts, and finally the, where the people trying to sell things were more bothersome than the seagulls. We continued our trek along the waterfront until we saw the big Olympic goldfish and then headed inland to find the Arc de Triomf (Las Vegas definitely still needs one).

For dinner we decided to get Italian. I made the mistake of ordering something that I had no idea what it was. It was called "Pizza with sausage, pudding sauce and black pudding". yeah. Not the the best choice. Anyways, Joerns parents are judges and are very interested in the American court system as we have juries, which they find absurd. I was wondering if anyone could help me out on how this works and why they don't like it so much? as my only knowledge comes from TV (kommentar veroeffentlichen means publish comment if anyone can help). After dinner we headed back to the hotel and here I am.

Today is 3.1.17

signing off,


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