Saturday, April 1, 2017

Haircut and Angel Poop

Der Haarschnitt 
     Quite honestly, getting a haircut was probably the scariest thing that I've done so far. Not only did Joern not care where I got it, how much it cost or what I looked like when I came out, but he also had no desire to help me out whatsoever. Not to say that I wouldn't have asked him not to help me with the speaking part, I would have done (and did do) it myself, but it wasn't particularly helpful that I had to walk into 20 different hair salons, ask what they charged, and then pretend that I only had 15 euros to spend when they charged too much, all because Joern was unwilling to do a simple google search. But, I guess that it was good German practice.

     I ended up finding a good place that didn't cost too much and sat down to wait. It was pretty scary when the lady that was going to cut my hair asked me what I wanted; but I was prepared, because I  knew what I wanted and how to say it. I actually ended up really liking the person that cut my hair because she could tell that I was a foreigner, of course, and that I was making an effort to speak German. As a result, she wasn't afraid to correct my Scheiss Deutsch (as I like to call it) and she did a pretty good job, yay. 

Trip to Ulm
     Today we went to Ulm which is a city of about 120,000 and lays about halfway between Stuttgart and Muenchen (Munich). The wonderful Beth Hejl (her blog is much better than mine XD) taught us exchange students in our crash course that every German city is the something-est and is the better than all the others at something. It turns out that Ulm is famous for having the tallest church steeple in the world
dang tree had to photobomb
and yes, we went to the top. The stairs to the top were extremely terrifying (second only to my haircut) because they spiraled for what seemed like forever without landings which, not only made us dizzy, but added with the height, made it feel like we were going to fall off. Not a good feeling. 

     After I bought my postcards, we left the Ulmer Muenster and wandered around the Fischerviertel (fisherperson's quarter) where I touched the Danau (Danube)
and waved to Bavaria (which is on the other side). From Ulm we drove back to Blaubeuren to pick Joern's bike up and to further inquire about purchasing an electrobike (I still want one, mom & dad). I tried Schnitzel (not Wiener Schnitzel, which is beef) and...

Angel Poop
    Yes, it sounds weird but it's really nothing too special. It's really called Schaeumle (Schwaebisch, Swabian) or Baiser (Franzoesisch, French) which is really just a fancy looking meringue (also French). But it did look cool,
and like angel poop.

     Joern's birthday was on Wednesday and I forgot because I thought it was Thursday for some reason (typisch [typical] Nat). This week Joern will have his internship at Mercedes-Benz and I will be stuck in class with ninth graders, BUT I get to go to Dachau on Wednesday, so I win. 

     My phone is nearing death because on Friday the screen went green-line-flashy bezerk; however, I just banged it a few times on the table and it was fine. If my phone were an animal, I'm pretty sure I would be arrested for abuse, but somehow it's survived over two years of my torture and is still pumping. Hopefully it dies soon so I can get one that works in Europe. 

Today is 1.4.2017 


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